The Microburst Group
Consulting. Investments.

Focused energy for powerful results

Strategic Consulting & Investments


How a microburst makes its mark.

Though only a mile or two wide, a microburst storm carries enough power to pull a jumbo jet from the sky, uproot an oak tree from its roots or clear a path through the densest terrain.

A microburst lasts mere moments, yet it changes its environment forever.

In business, that same kind of relentless focus can yield similarly dramatic results. The most powerful transformations don’t always come from bigger engagements. They come from asking better questions.

The Microburst Consulting Strategy

We listen deeply and gain genuine insights. Then, we focus our energy on each, unique challenge, so that our consulting clients and portfolio businesses can have their own microburst moments.

Our team has contributed strategic advice and communications to a wide range of clients in such industries as professional sports teams, supply chain and transportation, aviation, beverage alcohol and fitness.

The Microburst investing strategy

  • We invest to hold indefinitely, not just grow and exit

  • Business-to-business service companies preferred, with high cash flow to sales ratio

  • Not capital-intensive industries

  • Stable earnings with contracted clients where possible.

  • Specific local or competitive advantages

  • We focus on small business enterprises, including founder-owner businesses and post-startup entrepreneurial ventures

  • Southeast / South U.S. concentration but other locations acceptable




1863 Burland Crescent
Brentwood, TN 37027


(615) 807-0245



Let's Brainstorm.